Archive | Life columns & features 14-15

Moments of Truth

OZ Life- Ostrow col. Butterfly with heart shaped wings breaking spider web. Artwork by Sturt Krygsman.

OZ Life- Ostrow col.
Butterfly with heart shaped wings breaking spider web.
Artwork by Sturt Krygsman.

THE question of what is ethical and rightful action is a tricky one. I was speaking with one of my spiritual teachers and she told me this story. A monk was walking along a country path and saw a child about to be bitten by a snake. He was left with the question: does he kill the snake or let it bite the child? Continue Reading →


Parenting via social media

As a mother I’m very blessed. I have a daughter who shares with me all her most intimate secrets: from where she goes at night; what she wears; her taste in music and favourite pubs; and what she really feels. It’s a profound relationship. Except that it happens on Facebook. The blessing is that I’ve been “friended” and, along with thousands other people, can get to know and understand my daughter’s life. Continue Reading →
