Taking drugs is always a pressing question this time of year.
It’s now been over two weeks I’ve been trying to fight off a chest infection, and there’s still no relief in sight. The thing is it isn’t getting worse either just a persistent cough and croaky voice and feeling sluggish. The box of antibiotics is sitting on the kitchen bench beckoning. I believe the body knows how to heal itself and should be given the opportunity to use its own immunity rather than rely on artificial prompts which ultimately do us no good.
But the main reason I don’t like taking them for every ailment is the resistance factor. There does come a day in everyone’s life where we seriously need antibiotics and if the body has built up resistance due to overuse it’s not a good thing.
Sleeping in a chair next to my daughter’s hospital bed years a few ago while she battled pneumonia is an experience i will never forget.
Given the severity of her case which went undiagnosed till her lung collapsed, it was only antibiotics that saved her. And because I am a Mum who administers them so rarely, the drug worked quickly and powerfully.
So here I sit with the question, to dose up or not to dose up? I’m giving my body one more day to get me on the mend and then Zapp!
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