Envy is our best friends. It can tell us what we really want under all that resentment, so we can go get it

SEVERAL years ago, I noticed I was feeling very unfavourable towards a certain friend.
Every time I talked to her, I felt out of sorts. I began noticing things I didn’t like and avoided talking to her.
Because I like to self-reflect, I gave the matter some thought. Why was I suddenly pulling away from someone I dearly loved? And it came to me. Jealousy.
Rather than let the friendship go, I decided to list all the things that were making me feel jealous of her. And only one came up.
Although she is gorgeous and very talented, my red light was that she travelled a lot for work. Just back from London, just off to Paris, just back from Vietnam, just off to America. I wanted to slap dat bi-atch down.
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