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Sex with Robots
Mind over matter: can placebos help in curing cancer?
Pets can tie us down
At this time of year the true cost of pets is obvious.
Adult separation anxiety disorder: fear of letting go
Adult separation anxiety disorder affects roughly 7 per cent of adults.
Dealing with grief is never easy
The Australian, Ruth Ostrow
Many years ago I had an unusual experience. I was singing in a gospel choir and one of the men in the group had lost a child at some point before I joined. Nobody confronted the issue so we just left him be and skirted around the grief as if it wasn’t there.
One day we were doing an exercise where we sung in a circle and made eye contact. It was a very exquisite version of a Hallelujah. He was just opposite me. And while I was going higher and higher our eyes locked. I was caught there, unable to look away. It felt like he was singing right into my soul. Suddenly, as if by some sort of magical transmission, I felt the pain of his loss. Continue Reading →
Depression may help you shed your shell
Feeling blue? Make like a rock lobster and shed your shell
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski.
Trump Brexit shows contempt on the rise
For a relationship to survive, replace contempt with empathy.
Addicted to Love
When love hits, there is a chemical release of the body’s amphetamines and then opiates.
50 shades of sex
Fifty shades of boredom
‘When the Fifty Shades of Grey film and books are turning on millions of women, domesticity doesn’t cut it.’