Archive | Life columns & features 14-15

Claws and effect

Person in lotus position levitating with a rat running under them. Artwork by Sturt Krygsman

Person in lotus position levitating with a rat running under them.
Artwork by Sturt Krygsman

IT was the weekend from hell. An impossible amount of things to do and worry about. Two major stories due in, a removal van coming to take away several pieces of furniture and deliver new stuff, a daughter arriving back from abroad needing airport pick-up, and a close friend in crisis. There was going to be no time to eat or sleep if I were to get through. Continue Reading →


Moments of Truth

OZ Life- Ostrow col. Butterfly with heart shaped wings breaking spider web. Artwork by Sturt Krygsman.

OZ Life- Ostrow col.
Butterfly with heart shaped wings breaking spider web.
Artwork by Sturt Krygsman.

THE question of what is ethical and rightful action is a tricky one. I was speaking with one of my spiritual teachers and she told me this story. A monk was walking along a country path and saw a child about to be bitten by a snake. He was left with the question: does he kill the snake or let it bite the child? Continue Reading →
